2/19/2011- DANGER PARTY! Down in the Dark

The days are getting longer, the nights are shorter,
and if New York City needs a reason to celebrate
it might as well be this. This Saturday night
you are invited to travel:

Down in the Dark

an all-night adventure with only one rule:
you must bring a source of light.

the music
dirty dirty soul : live African hip-hop : future house


Taylor McFerrin
Taylor McFerrin is redefining the term "one-man show." Combining his skills as a producer and performer, Taylor is making music heads around the world take notice as he seamlessly builds songs from scratch with his ambitious solo project. (Yes, this is the son of Bobby McFerrin.)

Grammy Nominated African Hip-Hop Electro Rockstars

Duanne Harriot
Negroclash Resident, beat producer and dj impresario.

dj OP!
Known around the globe for bringing the soul to the dancefloor.

dj Dhundee
Brooklyn's master of the eclectic dance-floor.

dj Zemi 17
TheDanger resident plays everyone's favorite sunrise set.

plus rideable sculpture : wild performance : cheap food : cheaper drinks

$15 before 10pm : $20 after : strictly 21+

This night is a return to the basics: fantastic music, gorgeous people and hidden performance all within a space that reminds you why New York City exists. Guests are asked to arrive early and bring a source of light. This is how you'll discover the people nearest you (think: battery operated costumes, votive candles, crystal chandeliers). More than anything, please respect the neighborhood and the people who keep it safe.

RSVP's are limited to the legal capacity of the space and will run out within hours.
Full details will only be released to RSVP's the day of the event.

get an invite:

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