A moment of reflection from PRINTUP


Its that time of the year... a time for reflection, deep thoughts and a flash back into the past year,


Id like to state: Its been one hell of an awesome year!

This year marking The Printup Lists 3rd year and seriously the biggest. It was website that was created out of the need from my Brooklyn friends who were party hosts and DJ's who wanted a community where I can help promote what everyone was doing and make the news known...and shucks, look at where it has come to now!

Parties, sample sales, concerts, open bars, free shit... you name it!

Its a DIY website runed solo by one person, not sponsored, not marketed, un hyped, REAL UNDERGROUND. It was created out of the love of the streets and the demand for free booze, access to the front of the line, beyond the velvet rope, top of the list and the complete world of "getting into what ever" land.

A big part of what makes us different then any other site is that we rely on WORD OF MOUTH....so share this site on your facebook, twitter, emails... anyone. Our goal is to keep THE PRINTUP a secret, but a known secret.
I promise to get you into the most sought out events in NYC as long as you promise to keep on reading.

I am pumped to have a following like all of you. You are keeping the pre-internet excitement of what made NYC......alive! and I love allllll of you for that.

See you on the dance floor,
Party on!
And Cheers to 2011!!

Krystyna Printup

1 comment:

Katya Moorman said...

We LOVE YOU TOO Krystyna! The PRINTUP LIST is a rare treasure and invaluable resource so I for one would like to say THANKS GIRL! & Happy New Year! xo

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