10/14/2010- Bold Hype Opening

The wind pushes against the flower covered fields. With the gale, pollen is carried about our land creating a shift. The plant-life of our world has been altered, forcing the balance between them and all other inhabitants to be diminished. New organic life-forms emerge from the ground and interweave with the entities that walk our planet. With each breath of air we inhale the pollen that moves with these winds. Roots, vines and seeds meld with muscle, blood and bone. The earth is carpeted in an abundance of plants in bloom, each sprouting fresh intelligent beings. The vegetation that has long been deprived and neglected has forged a way to reclaim all that was once their own. These amalgamated beings are in sweeping pursuance of reformation to this world. Like parasites, they conquer on all sides of the planet. Unfaltering, they bore their roots deep.


Jason Limon was born in San Antonio, Texas in 1973. He first showed his artistic expression at a fairly young age doodling characters and sceneries inspired by his bustling neighborhood and surroundings. He entered the field of commercial graphic design in 1995 acquiring comprehensive knowledge of type, color and composition. Following twelve years of commitment to producing award winning logos and designs he then turned his focus and concentration to where his heart truly began: developing artwork by hand and brush, no longer by the clicks of a mouse. He is currently creating gallery work and commercial illustrations, some of which can be seen in Communication Arts, Society of Illustrators of Los Angeles, American Illustration, Print Regional Design and Graphics.

The opening reception for BLOOD/NECTAR is Thursday October 14th 6PM - 9PM.
Open to the public. Meet the Artist: Jason Limon will be present.

Hope to see you there!

-The Bold Hype Team


547 W. 27th St. 5th Floor
New York, NY 10001
T. 212-868-2322
Tue - Sat 12-6 pm

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