8/24/2010- Sun is all bitter OPENING

Aug 24 Tue - Aug 29 Sun 2010
Sun is all bitter
Shoyo Jahana

Jahana draws and creates artworks by using his fingernails. Jahana believes that the act of using his fingernails, the personal touch of his body, gives his work life. Jahana also works with crayons because it is a primitive and familiar medium. Jahana writes characters on the wood panel with the crayon, these characters represents his daily life. They represent the making of anger, sadness, hatred, and etc. Jahana paints with a jet-black crayon then scratchs into it with his fingernails. The scratch picture is then decorated with lame, fold foil, and other materials. This act is like the prayer. Nobody will see the character concealed in the ground of the work. However, it exists and will surely transmit to others in some shape or form.

"Sun is All Bitter"
Opening Reception: 8/24/10(Tue) 7-10pm
Exhibition: 8/25(Wed) - 8/29(Sun) 12-6pm
(Appointment only on Wed. 24hr Notice.)

Ouchi Gallery
170 Tillary Street, Suite 507, Brooklyn, NY11201
Phone:347 987 4606

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