12/4/2008- Friends of Africa part 2

Friends of Africa Part II
United Nations Association 
Southern New York 
Young Professionals for International Cooperation

invites you to

Friends of Africa Part II

Thursday, December 4th, 7 PM
Room Mate Grace Hotel
125 West 45th Street

The evening will feature:
Fashion show by Catou
Exhibition displaying Ethiopian art
African music
Wine/cocktails to be served.

Proceeds from the event will go to The Ethiopian Children's Fund.

$30 for UNA-USA/YPIC members and students
$40 for non-members.

RSVP by Tuesday, December 2.

For more information, contact Meron Demisse at YPICafrica@unasouthernny.org or visit http://www.unasouthernny.org/ypic/index.php

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