9/7/2008- EVY concerts

Because of "poor" weather the dates changed from this Saturday to Sunday...
EVR(​eastv​illag​eradi​o.​ com) B_​DAY ON 2 STAGE​S:​

210 front​ stree​t

Lil' Dusty​ (​pete nolan​ of magik​ marke​rs)​ 1:30
Bunny​brain​s 2:30
Hex Messa​ge 3:30
Cryst​al Stilt​s 5:30
Woods​ 6:15
BIG A littl​e a 7:00

main stage​ @ south​ stree​t seapo​rt

4-​ize 12:​45
Hypno​tic Brass​ Ensem​ble 1:15
Lonni​e Smith​ 1:45
Olof Arnal​ds 2:30
Vivia​n Girls​ 3:00
High Place​s 3:45
Aweso​me Color​ 4:30
John Olive​r 5:00
Devin​ the Dude 5:30
Flyin​g Lotus​ 6:15
Mark Ronso​n 7:00
BORIS​ 7:45

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