9/12/2008- The end is near when everything is a MISS

Thank fucking god that this whole fashion week is over. I went last night to the Duffie Missbehave event at the Red Bull Space, and boy was it...uh how do I say this....horrid!

I was shocked that for a Missbehave event it would be so uneventful, with the lack of bright colored people, and hot "missbehave" type chicks. And after waiting inside and sipping on some RedBull vodka mixes for 2 hours the jet lagged Duffie, newly wedded (to Andres from the Beatrice Inn), finally took stage to lip sync to her more Internet famous tunes, along with a few extra. She commented on her poorly displayed hair, and messed up a bit while singing...ha, I mean lip syncing(so funny.) But the real big kicker was when the married to the mob chick and Duffie took to the mike to announce that "the Misshapes wont be djing tonight...but that's ok were too hiphop for them anyway, fuck that!"It was mouth dropping. Mean while I saw the Misshapes over at Tribeca Grand just 3 blocks away at the Hint Mag and Seven NYC event 30 mins later. Which, like I said previous, was a tradition of Fashion Week for the past 7 years to attend. Always a good time, no surprises....

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